Magno's Sketchbook

Hi, I’m Magno, currently studying VFX. Will be posting here my progress!

Made this VFX spell based on the theme coins/gold/money, I was imagining a debt colletor/loan shark as a class in a game.

VFX - Spell - Charge Interest

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Currently working on this flame effect (WIP!) Feedback would be much appreciated!

Flames (1)

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damn I love this hit with the coin explosions. very cool.

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Still tweaking the fire shader/vfx! Looking for feedbacks on this piece



Made a Hit study based on Arcsys games (Guilty Gear, Granblue Rising etc), I’m looking for feedback!

Made dissolve textures to animate the main shapes.


Example of texture channel merged texture I used:

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Made a practical demo application of my previous hit vfx. My proposal was to make a fighting game 3 hit combo.

The last hit is a special finisher so I built up some anticipation by freezing some animation frames during the charge and before the impact.

Feedbacks as always are very welcomed! :hugs: