Lotus Bollom Bardo E Spell (Fan Art)

Hallo everybody!

I’ve always wanted to do a League of Legends fan art…and here it goes.

I started this FX some time ago, it was quite a ride.

I started with a concept of a loto flower while practicing what I learned on the VFXApprentice curse.

I was trying to come up with an idea of an fx to learn Niagara and practice Houdini.

Then I decided it would be a fun and interesting challenge to finally make a fan art of league of legends, and that the lotus blossom could be a nice theme for the E spell of Bard. I tried to make it as close to the League style as I could.

Once I finished the first concept, I knew that this was going to be hard. Learning Niagara, Zbrush and trying new stuff with Houdini.

It was a really fun challenge.

Artstation Post>https://www.artstation.com/artwork/d84Yyx

(Lotus Blossom) (Close&Far)

(Lotus Blossom) (PickUp Rampage)

First Concept

First Lotus Animation:

Lotto Openup