Looking for 3d fractal generator that can export OBJ/Mesh

Looking for 3d fractal generator that can export OBJ/Mesh for real time. Any help greatly appreciated.

Oh gawd… I did that 3 years ago… Hmm let me look into my memory haha.

I remember using MeshLab to build a mesh out of stuff pulled out of Incendia or Fragmentarium.

In the end, I decided to scrap the whole thing and build a simple raymarcher inside a volume cube, with variable LODs of marching steps to exit loops as early as possibles.

In Unity:

well I’ve never tried something like that, but you can definitely do it with Houdini from what I know.
a quick google will show you how.

Every time I think I’m slowly catching up in this line of work, something reminds me that I know less than John Snow…

Thanks alot Mederic and Ohadgfx.

I feel that everyday. It’s why I like this job >.>;