Hey guys, here is the start of my entry for this months sketch! (also my first post/sketch to the forums). I figured I’d start simple but take advantage of the new Visual Effects Graph in Unity, only had time to work on it a small amount but I’ve started to lay the ground works.
A fireworks example already exists for the vfx graph but I’m starting from scratch in the hopes I can achieve a similar amount of polish!
Added some better ratios to the explosions and trails to make them more consistent. Also added some funky colour randomisation and some flashes for the explosions!
Few more changes. Mainly adding an extra variety of firework to the main emission system. We also have some smoke changes to colours and the scaling of the different particles
I know this image is awful quality (just because of the sheer size of the graph) but this is just to give a feel of how many GPU events are used. Happy to give more detail or post better quality images if people want it!
Lol, with standard particle system it looks like this:
You need to do all separate with VFX graph. The point is not even simplicity, but in the speed of creating effects, VFX Graph takes much more time.
This is true however (apart from the fact this is a personal practise piece for vfx graph) you also have a lot more options and flexibility than shuriken and it’s much easier to navigate and add different pieces of modular systems. I also just prefer the graph workflow but I know it’s not for everyone!
There is also more subsystems in here than your example demonstrates and if I truly wanted to optimise it I could use sub graphs but I haven’t had time just yet.
I believe as time moves on, we’ll probably get shorthand systems to create simple effects fast while also having a certain amount of flexibility if we want to create more complex systems.