How to enable Motion_4WayChaos node in Unreal Engine Blueprint editor

Hi there,

I have been following a tutorial that includes the use of a Motion_4WayChaos node in unreal engine blueprint editor. When I search for this node there is no results in the editor, and when I search online, the most information I’ve gotten is “you have to enable it”. My question is where do I enable it?

Hoping one of you geniuses will know :slight_smile:

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You need to enable “Show Engine Content” in the content browser.

Then, search for the Motion_4WayChaos material function, open it, and then on the inspector window check “Expose to material library”.

Now, you should be able to use it on any of your materials!


Ahhhh thanks so much, you have solved so much confusion.


Then, search for the Motion_4WayChaos material function, open it, and then on the inspector window check “Expose to material library”.

I suggest to copy one to your project and do the “expose to mat lib” with that one, as moving to a new ue4 version will override this change, resulting in having to do it again when your project moves to a new ue4 version.