How to choose multiple meshes from renderer array based only on int?

Heya folks. Is there a way to output the needed indices for each particles using a simple int for the Mesh renderer mesh index variable?

Context: I’m doing floating numbers with niagara and so far I’ve been using it by spawning a different System each time a damage event took place and fed it the numbers. As the screenshot shows I was doing it through an int selection array where I fed each number per index in blueprint and it displayed the correct number.

Now I wish to swap to the Data Channel workflow for optimization reasons as with several enemies on screen there were quite a bit too many systems spawning especially from damage AoEs.

Problem is the data channel doesn’t seem to accept integer arrays in order to feed the proper damage number to display from blueprint. Would be any other way to do this with an int or float or something? :thinking:

This is an interesting issue. The only fix I can think of is setting the particle mesh index using random int values with user parameters. But I am not sure how that would work with a data channel since I haven’t had the chance to use it and I am not sure what your bp setup is.

Unfortunately data channel is a fairly recent feature and maybe hasn’t been used extensively by devs/vfx artists yet hence there is little to no information on it. It is also still experimental; epic even says it is under heavy development, so hopefully int arrays would be added in the future.

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