How do I make slash's like this?

I’ve made a few slash effects but they’ve never turned out good, In this reference I’m trying to get the smoke trail & the main slash:

3 maybe 4 layers of effects 3 ribbons same color just different saturations, scale the size from big to small I’m not too experienced with ribbons so I’m not going to act like I know how to make a ribbon like this but it looks like some kind of scaling probably using a curve on ribbon width with a short lifetime & very nice facing Profile - Drewgoheen - Real Time VFX has shared a great tutorial for customizing ribbons to your liking (there also looks to be a skull texture in the ribbon or a separate one but as I’m not going for this I don’t think it’s necessary to explain, 2 small slash mesh’s 1 black & another green scale these from small to -0.01 this is just to map the area of the slash after doing this attach it to an animation & align in to your liking after this you can move onto a simple black sprites/smoke effect & use the slash mesh’s you have made earlier for the Static Mesh Location, there are also mesh’s attached to the end of the pick axe facing down just static skulls with minimal rotation & also some skulls that scale from big to small using a curve & the same slash static mesh location it’s worth noting that you don’t have to use the same size as the mesh on Static Mesh Location you can scale it to your liking with no repercussion also the slash mesh/Static Mesh Location is pretty much duped & flipped for the same side but no need to do this on the Ribbon :green_heart: