what is the technique used with this moving part of the scepter, it looks like goo or lava but I’m not sure how can they be done as real 3d, not just with erosion texture or flipbook
Hey Elias, my guess would be vertex animation texture using houdini or any other software of that type, and faking the 2d handrawn / low fps feel with paused motion and cell shading.
Seconding this, definitely has the look of a low poly “fluid sim” (probably just driven by some noise rather than actually fluid) animation baked into a VAT. It even has certain jittering of vertices that’s indicative of compressed color data driving the position.
Even if its actually some sort of ray marching implementation using SDFs, VATs would be your best bet if you wanted to emulate it.
Thank you Tayko!
Actually, it’s not necessary for me to make it look hand drawn like the one here, I think they made it like this to save some performance since it’s playing all the time
so I think VAT will do the job for me
Tjaml you! I think the low poly animation feel might also be something similar to the limited animation if they baked it but didn’t back every frame but something like skipping a frame between each two, mostly it’ll be done for the performance since this kind of jittery animation isn’t common in this game