How can I stop my niagra snow system in UE5 from going through walls?

Hi guys, I am absolutely desperate for help with this topic as my project is due in 3 days. I have followed Matt Aspland’s snow tutorial on youtube and everything worked great, despite the snow particles coming through the ceiling of my scene. I then tried following his rain tutorial too as he included collision in that. ( This hasn’t worked. I understand it’s not a fully up to date video but I thought the underline would be the same. I am soo anxious about not getting it to work and NO one knows how to fix it. Please help

BTW I’m still a noob at UE5 and I really need it dumbed down

Hi. Post photos and videos of your particles system both in the level and also the emitters setup; they would go a long way in understanding what the problem is and possible solutions.

Is your system using GPU particles? The collisions on GPU are much more simplistic that CPU particles. CPU particles use a raycast against scene geometry for collisions, while GPU uses things such as the depth mask and only operates in screen space.

As mentioned, pictures of your emitter setups would help a lot.