Hey! I already posted this on the unreal forums, but I figured some of you might be interested as well.
I was creating a bunch of noisy Vector Fields to use in a particle effect I’m working on and figured more people might have use for them. So, here they are! The different noises are Perlin, Simplex, and Alligator. There’s a High and low frequency version of all. They also come in three resolutions each. 8x8x8, 16x16x16 and 32x32x32. They are .fgas so just drag the one you want into your project.
Unfortunately had ro remove these as I had som Google drive problems.
These are great! Are you able to give a brief overview on how you generated these vector fields? I’ve only been familiar with making vector fields in Maya with fluid sims. Thank you for the download link btw!
I made them with Houdini. It’s a fairly straightforward setup.
Step 1: Get a box.
Step 2: Put your… points in that box. As in, randomly scatter points in the box. Lots of them.
Step 3: Apply the noise of your choice to the normals of those points.
Step 4: Transfer that normal directions to a volume, but rename the normal attribute to velocity.
Step 5: Bring the volume into a dopnet as a fluidsource.
Step 6: Export the result of the dopnet with the FGA Exporter OTL from Orbolt.
Step 7: …?
Step 8: Profit!
Yeah, those are things i’m wondering. It looked for a minute like it had trouble with my UV set.
Was wondering if there were any blend mode limitations.
Thanks alot for these @Partikel, I’m using them in production already. BTW, nice job on your GDC presentation!
FYI for those here whose who are interested in a little bit about the math of vector fields, there’s a couple of short videos from Khan Academy that provide an easy to understand introduction:
That’s quick and to the point, cool tutorial as always!
I followed the link to github, under the code tab in the readme the author links to a handy selection of premade vectorfields, which are quite versatile already:
Hello everyone! I tried replicate the Andreas Glad vectorfield hda in unreal Vectorfield generator in UE4 using Houdini Engine on Vimeo but i have a problem with a cascade setup. I dont get a good result, maybe anyone just explain me better, how to setup the cascade module for get similar results as end of the video.
I can post a screen shot tonight but there isn’t anything special going on. In cascade, make sure it’s a gourmet emitter. Drop in a vector field module. A tip is to visualize it, under the view menu.
Scale it up so it encompasses the effect. Set it to tile in x, y and z if needed.
Set the tightness to 1 and the intensity to 10 and you should be able to see it work. Play with tightness and intensity until happy with the look.
Is there any chance to use them in Unity?
There’s a new VFX graph and it supports .vf files (converts them to .asset after import)
Renaming those .fga files to .vf does not work (I’ve heard that .vf are simple volumetric .tga files though)
Does anyone knows if there’s a converter from Houdini → Unity?
I am having trouble downloading these- when I download them they are UASSET files and I cannot seem to get them into unreal. I don’t know if it’s my PC’s problem, I didn’t download them correctly, or I just don’t know how to import something like this into unreal. If anyone has any answers that’d be greatly appreciated. Thank you
When you DL them you need to extract them then you can see that then you should put them (only the FGA files) in Unreal. The software will ask you to import them, so click import (or directly import them from UE4). And then it’s gonna be UASSET files. It’s like importing anything else
So it’s weird if you DL them and get UASSET file directly
Tell me if it’s working, if not I will try to send you the file I get