This is looking good!
Maybe motion vector support, and a Material Interface so if necessary, we could plug in a material to see how it would look? The latter could be more for TA’s to customize on the backend so artists can preview for their pipeline.
Thanks for the ideas! Motion vectors sound good.
Drawing a custom material - this may be too much for UMG (the UI system). because it only supports materials with “User Interface” domain. But I just added a partial solution Paramter names mapping (so we can save the settings to our custom material):
A tiling feature: for example if I want to preview a tilable texture sequence (eg. animated water caustics)
Checkbox that enables Multiply RGB with alpha and have some sort of gray checker background (or maybe even configurable background colors (color a, color b)
I finished the first “usable” version. If you want to give it a try, I’ll host it for a couple days on GDrive: Edit: [the tool is now released, so I removed the link]
Of course you can keep it later, just please share your thoughts and ideas
Update since the last time:
Added tabs: up to 4 textures, each with its own settings (thx @Lush)
Configurable background. Translucent and additive blend modes (thx @Ludvig)
3x3 tiling option, e.g. for water textures
Switching between frame blending and integer frames (thx @Bruno)
Markers showing start/end of frame range on the atlas