Fake Flare in UE5 niagara

Hi, Iv been trying to make this type of fake flare for my game in unreal engine 5.
I made a niagara spawning a stretched sprite. But it doesn’t appear on top of everything other object. What I meant, part of the sprite is hidden by other object but the full sprite should be visible, like in the image, the flare spawned from enemy and its not hidden by player’s body.

Any direction or clue would help a lot. Thank you.

  • Make sure your master material is Translucent/Additive
  • Check the “Disable Depth Test” in the Translucency settings
    • (I don’t think you can modify this on a Material Instance so you might need to have a second Master Material…)


On the left, “Disable Depth Test” is unchecked. On the right, it is checked.

If you just want the VFX to be closer to the camera instead of completely on top of everything, you may use the Camera Offset Niagara module in the Particle Update stage.


Thanks a lot, that worked !!

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You can add a small scratch pad to handle geometry occlusion based on the depth buffer. Works great!


That’s so neat! Didn’t knew about that!