Camera facing Cylinder Emitter Ue4


I was wondering if anyone knew how to align a cylinder emitter to be camera facing?

I would like to create something similar to the Dr Strange portal with a hole in the middle, so I am emitting on the surface of the cylinder. Is there another way outside of using a mesh emitter since I am using GPU particles?

you can easily do this in blueprint - just get the camera vector every frame and rotate the emitter to point towards it.

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you can also try these two in case you want to align it in cascade or the shader:

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Thanks guys, going to have a look at both of these. My initial thought was Orbit, then remembered Orbit and GPU particles don’t work together.

So then figured a custom vector field for the motion on the outside of the ring.

No doubts it’ll be a mixture of a few of your ideas, thank you again :slight_smile: