Very realistic fire, cool. If it’s not a secret, what do you do with Alpha after saving it in BC7 format, is it white for you? Are you still adding additional sets of frames?
Oh the alpha has the same content as the R channel, just offset by 1. The only reason I’m using the alpha channel is to simplify the shader a bit - you could throw a second texture sampler and do some lerping to make it work without having an alpha channel. On BC7, having an alpha channel or not does not change the texture size.
If you’re on DXT1, adding alpha channel doubles the texture size, making it into a DXT5. The compression artefacts are very visible on either of those though. Of course all of this applies to d3d only, If you’re working on other platforms it’s a whole another thing.
Hi Bruno. I realize it’s been quite some time… But when you added motion blur to your fire, did you think or try blurring it in SD without using the paid plugins you mentioned above? Or maybe during this time you have some way?
A simple directional blur won’t do the trick, it clashes with the motion in the flipbook and looks worse than without.
One thing you could do is getting motion vectors and then blurring along them, like TFlow does: 🔥 TFlow - Motion Vector Generator - #19 by matt-tuatara
Looks Amazing and so cool.
No 3 section you said “To build this, I rendered 4 flipbooks using Slate”…I want to know that which slate editor you used? FDFX Slate Editor or something else?
Thanks! FDFX is correct, yeah!