Blarama: Sketch#22

Hi everyone :wave:

For this Sketch, I’m going to try and get close to a “comics” style (super inspired by Sin City/ Spider-Man:Into the Spider-Verse).

I’d like to make a post process (or a material function to hook on all my materials - TBD) to get a halftoned kind of look to my FX.

something similar to that video:

I will focus on making muzzles.

Here are a few references:

for the global feel:

for the FX behaviour (TBD):

Electricity 037 Shot Right MIX
by RT-FX on DeviantArt

Energy 096 Impact Explosion Radial MIX
by RT-FX on DeviantArt

Sparks 089 Explosion Radial MIX
by RT-FX on DeviantArt

Sparks 087 Impact Explosion Radial MIX
by RT-FX on DeviantArt

we’ll see how that goes ^^! Hopefully I’ll have enough time to finish it on time…



Hi @Blarama :wave:

In my case, I’ll approach the “halftone / comic” effect by lerping an incrementally tiled screenspace dot pattern in a shader. I feel this way I’ll have more individual control over all the elements on screen, and I’ll be able to adjust them by lifetime in the particle effect.

Keep me up to date on how you’ll approach it!

Have fun! :robot:

Hello @Lush !
Well I was thinking of something similar but I wanted to either put it on the texture aligned to the particles ( that could not be billboarded) to make them feel like a paper. Or as a post process to unify the scene.
That’s something that’ll come with prototyping them I guess ^^