Advanced MatCap Material + Designer

I recently released Advanced MatCap Material on Epic Marketplace… However, it’s not possible to offer discounts on there so I also released it on Gumroad with the discount code RTVFX :slightly_smiling_face:

Buy Advanced MatCap Material on Gumroad

What is it?

Matcap textures are awesome! However I found that they don’t work in VR and similar projects that use a free camera. I created Advanced MatCap Material to fix this.

Advanced MatCap Designer

I also created a toolset to allow the creation of custom matcap textures within Unreal Editor - this is also included in the download.

How do I get it?

To buy Advanced MatCap Material and Designer at 50% discount, go here:
Buy Advanced MatCap Material on Gumroad

Alternatively you can get it on Epic Marketplace, which is full price but easier to install to your Unreal project:
Buy Advanced MatCap Material on Epic Marketplace

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