WIP Giant Laser (Feedback wanted)

Hello! I am currently working on making a giant laser vfx shot for portfolio, however I feel like it’s missing a couple things to really push it to being good, attached below are 2 versions, one with lightning and one without, any and all feedback is welcome whether things to add, remove or change!

No Lightning (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHnE69GKgGc)

With Lightning (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R65Y7LDIrTw)

The timing on this is really cool! I think that overall its got a good feel to it. I think that the lightning adds a lot, but I think in its current state its a bit too static. If i were to give a recommendation surrounding it, I would probably make it so that the lightning changes positions frequently similar to a tesla coil irl.

I think the only other main piece of feedback I have is that the colors of the laser seem to get extremely blown out due to how bright they are. There may be some room for moderation that might make them a bit more sightly.