Thanks! I thought of trying to find a way to mask it away in some earlier stages, but the problem was that I didnt find any way to do it dynamically. Now that I think about it again I probably could’ve added vertex painting, and just vertex paint it to mask it away, no idea how to do it otherwise. Because making a custom mask in PS and using that would be way to much work if I decide to move a rock etc.
I’d love to add water splashes, but I’ve honestly no idea how to make them look good. I tried a few variants with no sucess, I’ll probably join the latest Sketch here at the forum and try do some gore vfx, just to get an understanding on how to do good looking fluid splashes.
Thanks for the info, I’m hitting a bunch of overdraw with mine trying to cover up the transition between smooth water and foam as it travels down. Guess I just need better textures haha
Depending on the size/style of the waterfall you can probably just make a smooth transition with an alpha mask, and cover it up with water splashes. That was my original intention, but since I’ve no clue how to make proper realistic water splashes I did it this way instead (my scene have probably too much overdraw as it’s).
Oh I have that down at the base (probably too much overdraw there from the “mist”) it’s the transition of the water’s texture from the top where it starts to fall down to the base. The scale of the water is smaller that a large waterfall, so the look needs to stay smooth till about half way down where it starts to break up and get that white foamy look to it. I was using particles to help cover up that transition between the “clear” water using refraction and the foamy part that uses more texture.
If I understand correctly I think it should be possible to do with just the material, just slowly mask in more and more of the white foamy part so it doesnt abrupt switches to it.
Could be my texture as well. Got a thumbs up on it and got moved to a new task, but it just doesn’t feel “done” to me. Thanks for the advice, if I get some time I’ll see if I can’t apply it and get a better result with what I have.
Hey if you still have it would I be able to see the texture you used for the waterfall? I’m trying to make my own and I’m just not quite getting there.
Sure thing. I’m using 2 different textures that’s panning on top of each other, a cloud render from photoshop and a normal for refraction. What you have as the normal doesn’t really matter that much, I usually just tried different tiling normals I already had for other materials.
The way I made them was using photos of waterfalls/water if I recall correctly, then I just modified them and made them tiling. You can probably do it in substance designer but I haven’t had the time to learn enough of that yet.
Thank you so much, I have a texture made from a waterfall picture I found online but it wasn’t working out to well, this definitely gives me a good direction to go in.