VFX Apprentice

Well, thanks for your replay! (To be honest, I am more looking forward to your lesson!):stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

昨天magesbox网站上还有这张图,今天进去发现没了,本来以为是 Jason 的课程,我兴奋了半天,结果不是,2333

jason的貌似是用ue4 ,可叔的是unity

The Unreal assets and a breakdown video of this effect will also be included in the course:


Props to David Shovlin for his amazing composition and Luke Mason for his polish and after-wisps. These two really crushed it on this one!


Man, can I just throw my wallet at you guys already!!


Haha! If only the site were already up-and-running. So many moving parts to make this happen right. Believe me when I say I’m more impatient to see it go live than anyone else!


I can’t wait to see the course! It will be for UE or Unity?

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This course will use Unreal & Photoshop. I have future plans for a Unity-based course.


Got so inspired by that effect that I had to recreate it on my own!

Made in Unity in about 1h. Wanted to try harder shapes on that smoke hehehe

I’m sooo hyped for the course :eyes:

:computer_mouse: Download it by clicking here :computer_mouse:

Wish I could help creating the course somehow!



DUDE! That’s impressive! Well done, sir

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That is awesome! I love all of the attention put towards the explosion’s secondary beat when it curls back on itself.

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Oh man! Where can I find the content? :open_mouth:

It’s not out quite yet. I’ll be announcing the launch date for the course in the near future! Sit tight XD


*bounces up and down at desk * :star_struck:

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Okay, so assuming our small crew can knock out the few remaining items in time, VFXapprentice.com will launch on September 26! (sorry… no fancy “coming soon” page)

Questions I’ve been getting:

  • Price? Launch price will be $294 USD.
  • Content? Well over 20 hours of video content, with source assets for everything. Future updates to clarify and improve based on feedback will be included in the original purchase.
  • Format? Go at your own pace. Pay once, have access for the life of the site (with enough support, I intend to keep it up indefinitely!)
  • Software? Unreal, Unity, Photoshop, Maya, and even a bit of Animate CC (couldn’t resist ;^) will be covered. Wasn’t originally planning on the Unity assets & videos, but I was fortunate to get some help from @Lush building that portion out in the final hour. They’re coming in the hottest of all, but I think we can pull it off!
  • Skill level? Actually every level. My hope is that all of you will find benefit from the course, since it’s designed with sophisticated assets, and also step-by-step videos. When creating the uber shader, we prioritized ease of use and legibility (so it’s not 100% optimized, but can easily be tweaked to be so. More on that later).
  • More classes? Yes! I already have plans for subsequent classes. The Kannu platform allows for easy implementation of additional courses.
  • Features? Twenty video sessions, and growing, course progress tracker, built-in private forum, portfolio pages, feedback surveys, and probably more things Kannu can do that I don’t know about yet. lol.

Okay, so now I’m on the hook, and ohmygoshitsactuallyreal…



Awesome! Is this the Unreal Engine?

Yes! The class will teach Unreal Engine, among other things.

Throwing money on screen

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UE and Unity are free, PS and Animate CC are somewhat affordable (still pricey for nonproffessional though).
Maya is not only an expensive software but also very complicated one. Can Blender serve as a substitute for Maya?

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Cool!I love the League of Legends and I am also keen to use the Unreal Engine for vfx.

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