First of all, I’d like to note that the Diablo III talk is now on YouTube.
While I’m at it, bumping an at least year old thread…
Plus… while not exactly VFX based…
With that said, confession time. I was going to make a new thread asking about GDC talks, but it turns out this pretty much fits the bill. I’m trying to make sure there isn’t something I’ve missed, free or otherwise. For the sake of asking the question; Are there any GDC talks that aren’t immediately obvious that would be helpful for someone learning VFX?
Example: https://gdcvault.com/play/1023569/Technical-Artist-Bootcamp-Shaders-101
Also… ONE. MORE. THING! While not EXACTLY a GDC talk, it is from GDC. It is a series of interviews with Tech Artists from GDC 2011. Link to the full deal is here, in case the embed here doesn’t take you there. Perhaps we can replicate this too? This was a gold mine find that I had to share.
“11 - Tech Artists - Ben Cloward - GDC11”