UE4 - SplitSpace Effect


Smilar to the “DevilMayCry5” effect

https://youtu.be/xA74A8IjqC8 It was made with reference to the effect around 4:12

Lecture information : 린반님의 언리얼(나이아가라병행)중급 이펙트 강좌 개강예정 [온라인전용/2022년/초급8월/중급12월]
[The global course has not yet been launched, but we are preparing it.]


Daaaamn, amazing!

It instantly reminded me of Dante’s Yamato skill from Devil May Cry 4, but it definitely looks more like the one you linked in the video.

PS: Donguri is insane @_@

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Super cool! Love the quick flash of red and black in there

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