End result here:
I’m creating this post in order to participate.
Today I’ve worked on:
Tomorrow I’ll be working on the visuals of the effect.
First try

Second try
I’ve tried to spawn the particles in a spiral shaped mesh but didn’t know how to make it spawn in a specific order.
Third try (chosen one)

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Thought I’ll be finished today. I tried two different types of mist and I couldn’t make them work visually.
Tomorrow I’ll try to wrap it up.
Have a nice day!

Managed to finish today.
I refined the ice shader, I used two different methods in order to get those whites. I calculated a curvature map using XNormals and with the small cube I did the mask by exporting the UV map in .png from blender. Then I imported this texture, painted the edges of if with white and then added an outter glow so I have some kind of gradient.
Nex time I’ll try to paint the mask by myself but happy with the end result.
The ice shard material:
End result here:
Things to improve for next time/consider:
Mist or some kind of stylised fog.
Paint by hand a texture maks in order to easily add some texture on the edges.
Maybe paint some random vertex color and add it to the camera position so I make this effect of hue variation depending where you’re looking.
Try different ways to make decals or add something to them…
Maybe make a simulation of the shards braking. I’m using UE4 so I don’t have the newest tool for breaking objects…
I just had a deja vu correcting this XD. Anyway, this was a nice challenge and I managed to put out something in 3 days which it’s awesome.