Hello RTVFX,
I had the idea to create dramatic, stylized versions of the Infinity Stones from the Marvel films.
These are concepts I whipped up to try some ideas out, let me know what you think!
Hello RTVFX,
I had the idea to create dramatic, stylized versions of the Infinity Stones from the Marvel films.
These are concepts I whipped up to try some ideas out, let me know what you think!
I am assuming you just started getting into effects? Right off the bat, a lot of your textures are not tiling. This needs to be corrected. Also as an artist reference is everything if you’re going to recreate the infinity stones since most of us know what they look like. I would highly recommend also looking at as many tutorials as you can find to learn all the tips and tricks of your preferred engine.
I should’ve elaborated a bit more on my goal with these effects. I wanted to make a version of the infinity stones where the effect personifies the stone’s power. So the Mind stone is a brain, the Power stone a sun with “fireworks”, Reality is supposed to be a liquid similar to the Aether, the Soul like a shimmering water with figures emerging from it, Space has the teleporting cubes and Tesseract-style body, and Time has the clock-faces that change in rotation speed.
These effects were just concepts to see how the color schemes and timing would look, they need a great deal more work.
you could have done it better with some good textures and maybe reflections its very basic…
Can you show an example or a sketch of what you have in mind, please?