I’ve done a couple animated patterns that I’ve ported from shadertoy, I generally tend to prototype in shadertoy and then bring them into UE4 for fragment shaders.
And what’s the process around this? Do you have to map every line to a corresponding node? Is there a 1:1? Does shadertoy have a framework around it? For example, is each shadertoy fed a set of standard inputs (ie. mouse position). If so, that framework (of inputs) would have to be recreated before porting. Do you rely heavily on the custom node and pasting HLSL directly? I haven’t looked into it much myself. These are just questions off the top of my head.
I mean, end of the day the UE4 material editor is just a node based hlsl editor, so once I’ve prototyped what I need in glsl, it’s pretty straightforward to recreate it with nodes in UE4, I just find it easier to iterate with glsl in code form.
I remember a tech artist writing about everything he had to do to get stuff from shader toy into unreal but i can’t find it buried in a million link folders. So sorry.