Sci-Fi AOE VFX Pack

Exciting news !! :star2:

My “Sci-Fi AOE VFX Pack” has received approval and is now available at a 50% discount on the Unity Assets Store

The preview on Art Station
A playable Demo

Diving into this project was a mix of fun challenges, through it I got my hand on Unity shader code, which used to feel like magic to me. But now, I’m cruising through shaders with much more confidence.
Plus, it gave me the chance to understand some old code-based shaders from other artists and learn from them which was something I wished to do for a long time.
A key takeaway from this experience is that It’s essential not to submit your asset for review immediately upon completion if you don’t wish to wait for a long time (for me it took about 50 days).

Typically, the review process takes about a month. To optimize efficiency, consider submitting your work 2 -3 weeks before completion.
This allows you to make necessary updates without affecting your position in the review queue.

Waiting 50 days for the review was a lesson in itself!
For those venturing into similar projects, I suggest to time your submissions wisely to streamline the review process and maximize productivity.

Thank you to everyone who supported me along the way. I’m thrilled to share this milestone with you all, and I hope this Pack adds value to your projects.
Dive in, explore, and let’s keep pushing boundaries together! :rocket:


that looks dope!

For some reason --and maybe it’s just me-- the art station and playable demo links do not seem to work.
I thought I’d let you know just in case it isn’t just me.

Thanks for letting me know! I’ve fixed the issue, so the links should be working properly now.
Please let me know if it does work properly with you or still the same problem.

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Yuz, they are working!

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Ayy Congrats. just checked the Demo as well and I really like the feel of the effects while clicking I feel like you nailed that.

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It’s great to hear that:D

Awesome, thank you for the feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the demo and the effects!!

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