Decided to do some exploration this morning into linearly accurate rotating uv gradients so that when we rotate the value’s displayed across the quad are normalized correctly between 0 and 1 from every corner.
Traditionally, if we rotate the UVs we end up with values outside of 0-1 in the corners. This method takes the dot product of a cardinal vector2 and the uv value and garuantees scaled linear output. the cardinal vector2 is calculated using a pingpong function for x and y values based on a rotation input.
I plan to use this for future interpolations in uv space
r = 0
r = 135
PingPong function:
void PingPong_float(float input, float maxValue, out float output)
if (maxValue == 0.0)
output = 0.0f;
output = abs(frac((input - maxValue) / (maxValue * 2.0)) * maxValue * 2.0 - maxValue);