QuoVadisBLR: Sketch #65


Hi everyone!
This is my first post and my first participation in events.

I don’t have a lot of pieces in my portfolio yet, so it didn’t take me long to decide that my entry would be a fairly straightforward cast animation, where shards of ice burst from the ground to the surface.

I actually started working on this back in late December, but I haven’t posted anything until now because I kept asking myself, “What’s even worth sharing here? Other people could make this in just a couple of hours.”
But now, I feel ready to share my progress, so here’s the result so far:

here was a link to imgur.com


PS: I haven’t figured out how to embed a video as a gif yet… sorry

For the character model, I used Paragon: Sevarog (if that’s something that needs to be mentioned). I also edited and combined a few sequences to fit my effect.

I promise to keep sharing my progress from here on out! :slightly_smiling_face:

What I don’t like so far and plan to improve (in order):
Add air distortion during the initial appearance of the effect.
Modify the central orb to make it more detailed and enhance the glow of the snowflakes during flight.
Rework the trail to include more details.
Create a smoother and more visually appealing transition on collision between the orb and the ground, as well as during the frost spread.
Add a glowing edge highlight to the frost on the ground and make it shimmer dynamically.
When the frost spread reaches its final size, create a clear boundary for the spell’s area of effect.
At the climax of the effect, add a rainbow-like shimmer when the explosion occurs.
Redesign the cracks and their appearance sequence; they feel a bit underwhelming right now.
Instead of having the ice shards simply disappear, I want to add a shattering effect where they break into smaller pieces.
Improve the fade-out of the entire effect by adding something like a dissolve effect.
Let me know what you think and feel free to share any feedback! Thanks for checking it out! :blush:

Okay, I decided not to upload videos to imgur.com anymore since they tend to disappear.
I’m not sure if they’re automatically deleted or something…
From now on, I’ll upload my work to YouTube like everyone else here.

I’m getting close to the final result that I’m happy with, but there are still some things I’d like to tweak.
I’d love to hear your feedback and opinions overall!

I corrected all sorts of little things, added a glow from the cracks. I re-shot the video so that you can see that the ice looks like ice, shimmers and all that. I guess I’ll stop there. Moreover, there is no time left and I don’t know what else to add or correct.))