Official VFX Sketch #52: Level Up

Level Up

A classic effect for any RPG. Level up your skill with a level up effect!

Create a satisfying effect that shows the player has gained a level.

May 5th → May 31th 11:59 PST

Submitting: Create a new topic in the " Events > 52: Level Up " category with your name and sketch number in the title (Like this: “Are Yanen: Sketch #51” ), and post your updates to your topic during the month!

When you are finished, Edit your first post so it holds the final effect in the form of Youtube/Vimeo Video or High-Quality GIFs.

Please make sure to read this post with detailed rules if you are new to the sketches :

:sparkles: :gem: Sketch Hall of Fame (People who have Sketch Diamond - x3 wins!) :gem: :sparkles::


:arrow_down: If you have any questions, tips or tricks, reply down below! :arrow_down:

Post on socials with vfxsketch

Good luck, have fun!