Official VFX Sketch #51: Deathfleet Engine

Background image source: Jedi Micky

Deathfleet Engine

Up and into the beyond we go, once again! To space! Contrasting our Starfleet Engine Sketch we did years back, we’re revisitintg the spaceship engine effect, with a twist!

Create an effect that fits the theme “Deathfleet Engine”
hint: think space-pirate, villain, evil, corrupt, monstrous, conniving etc.

April 5th → April 30th 11:59 PST

Submitting: Create a new topic in the " Events > 51: Deathfleet Engine " category with your name and sketch number in the title (Like this: “Kruge: Sketch #51” ), and post your updates to your topic during the month!

When you are finished, Edit your first post so it holds the final effect in the form of Youtube/Vimeo Video or High-Quality GIFs.

Please make sure to read this post with detailed rules if you are new to the sketches :

:sparkles: :gem: Sketch Hall of Fame (People who have Sketch Diamond - x3 wins!) :gem: :sparkles::


:arrow_down: If you have any questions, tips or tricks, reply down below! :arrow_down:

Post on socials with vfxsketch

Good luck, have fun!


Check out Starfleet Engine here for inspiration!
06 - Starfleet Engine - Real Time VFX