Official VFX Sketch #22: Grayscale

Welcome to the last day of the challenge, there is still some time to get to work on this, The challenge will be closing this time tomorrow, any changes after that will not be taken into account during the judging, I hope you understand :smiley:

Please for our convencience ( we have quite a few submissions to go through and not a lot of time ), order your first post like this:

  1. 7 gifs in no particular order of the 7 variations (If you don’t have 7 just yet, don’t worry, just list however much you have )
  2. The final worked out effect in all its glory
  3. WIP and explanations
  • Some people have really detailed thorough explanations of how the effects are made, as or judges are super busy people they might not have the time to read through the whole thing however, so no promises there, again, I hope you understand.

I’ll be documenting the submissions here, if you are mentioned in here but don’t want to participate, please let me know, furthermore, if you want to participate, but I forgot to mention your name, also, please let me know:


Congrats on all your awesome and beautiful submissions,

Good Luck!


Hey everyone !
I guess I’m signing out…just had a deadline on a primary job, don’t think i can make another round here)) Good job and good luck everyone !)

Challenge Over

As May has just started, and a new era has started in japan, the April challenge is over.
No further submissions will be allowed.

Again, please order your first post like this:

  1. 7 gifs in no particular order of the 7 variations.
  2. The final worked out effect in all of its glory.
  3. WIP and explanations.

As of now the judging process will start, please understand that his might take some time.





Mine can be ignored as I didn’t finish the 7 sketches nor the final effect. I wish good look to everyone else! :slight_smile: