Noclip - View Levels (and their textures) in Browser (Mario, Dark Souls, ...)

Just found this website and with it you can checkout levels of e.g. mario kart. The reason why I’m mentioning it is, that you have all the time to check out the effects in those levels (if there are any) and also can see the textures:


This thing is fuckin siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick. Thanks for sharing man

I like this one.

They just made the castle and the terrain upside down and stretched billboards over it to mimic streching of the lights, then distorted it using simple pixel offsets in the water shader.


There was a fan star wars fan project which also made use of this tech:

By the way, in that thread on page 2 are super nice effects :slight_smile:

Interesting: In Zelda they made the foilage movement only via pixel- and not via vertex shader. You see that the geometry isn’t moving:


This is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

It’s damn good! Thanks for sharing it!
Let’s post here what tricks we will find :smiley:

Awesome thanks! Takes me back :smile: