Nikita Dubatov - VFX Sketchbook

In fact I am creepy love spellbooks.
So right now I am trying to make some drool for my toothy and eyed book.
In this way I learn how to retop and skin. And how to make drool for it via scripting lineRenderer in Unity (a little bit buggy for now, but still better than first attempts ).
Really fun, but as a new for me this thing just blowing my mind. Sweet.
Want to use this drool for making eggs :smiley:


Thank you, wanted to make it more complex, but…laziness :3

Tried to make some Hogwarts Legacy style elemental effects.

After all I have what to show you:

And what to ask you (right in this theme if you don’t mind :sweat_smile:):

At final step I stuck for a lot of time: earlier I worked in Unity SRP. But not a lot time ago I tried to use URP. First time everything was ok. Some differences, but not a big count.

I tried to make distortion that affects everything, even transparents (via sorting layers).
I am not a good shader writer, so I know just some basics how to and using node editors (Amplify most of the time). So I wasn’t able to find solution using “letters” :sweat_smile:.
Baking textures via C# scripts is not my best part too.
And because “Scene Color”, “Grab Screen Color” etc. nodes in URP grabs opaque pass. No transparents. And I didn’t find any ways how to change it’s queue (many chances that I’m just blind)

Moreover a few time ago all ready-to-use solutions died because Unity chanched a few basics in URP.
So what solution (except downgrade Unity version or chancge RP):
Add Full Screen Pass to RP settings asset (like URP-HighFidelity-Renderer)

Create new Shader Graph Unlit (impotant because that slot usually using for fullscreen materials) shader that we need to put into the pass.
That material using BlitSource from URP Sample Buffer node with some “UV displace magic”.


  • I created particle system
  • Attached that material to it
  • Created new layer for it
  • Put it
  • Created new overlay camera inside the main cam
  • Excluded the new layer from main and overlay cam need to render only it
    We need separate cams because if you will try to put that in one cam that will distord all was destorted previous frame even more.
    Easy Peasy(no). And it have some issues: bad look in scene view and can’t be blended. So no heat flows here.

So…the question: Maybe you know some easier way to make it like it was in SRP? I think I overcomplicated this.

Many thanks :blush:


Once I will not afraid of sshader writing with letters, not nodes.
But today it was sweaty for me :sweat_smile:
Tried to make some spheres for magic effects cores or something like.



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