[Niagara 4.25] Rope Physics Mini Tutorial

I have followed through and managed to get to a point where a single arrow is hanging like a pendulum in my level. Also, no matter how many particles I set to spawn, there is only ever two shown in the preview, and one in the level. It’s all I can manage to achieve. I cant see what i’ve missed, any ideas? @kmskazka

Have you done last steps of updating Pendulum Pivot and Accurate Velocity with TipPosition?
Also probably you missed some values here

should be

as well as setting ParticleLength to something more than 0

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Hey @kmskazka! That’s a great tutorial thank you!
I wanted to add collision to this system (along with ribbons) and it works ok so far but the collisions break too much often. I wanted to add some sort of lose on joints between particles, some degrees of freedom (position only) but that will try to always come back to original position, and I’m struggling to achieve that.

I tried to change the way TipPosition is calculated but it looks like the Pendulum constrains is pushing the particles back to the radius of the pendulum pivot + particle length. I also tried to modify this module but it doesn’t work well (particles are bouncing around all the time).

Do you think it would be doable with this kind of setup?

Thanks @cAyou, my tutor is pretty outdated and as you found out there is no real physics - i suggest you take a look at Chain system in ContentExamples project on Niagara_Advanced map, hope it will help you.


thanks for sharing!thanks for sharing!