I’m not sure if I should do it using a Shader Graph or some other method, as I’m new to this area. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me recreate this effect.
Now you can use screen shaders in the particle system. When you add scareen the material to your particle system and enable it, the effect will take your screen resolution.
Create a screen shader using Shader Graph and enable this effect using particle system Play();
You can set the appearance using opacity in the particle system and Verstex color in the shader.
About the effect itself: use noise texture. Tile if for example X=0.05 and Y=1. Add polar coordinates or something to make circle UV, add moving to offset. Then multiply texture with the mask to make the center transparent.
I understand, but I cant make the Shader Graph to work. The mask doesnt work the way is supposed to, its making the center black and the outer parts with the Noise texture.
What i am doing wrong? Its my first time working with this.