My portfolio - and progress work - VFX

Hi! My name is Tobias and I’m currently doing my final year of the Bachleor’s program in Game Development at Stockholms University.

I just finished off doing a game project with 9 other game-dev students as a part a course where I was the only VFX-Artist. I will be uploading my work on artstation during the upcoming weeks and i would really appriciate any feedback. :slight_smile:

Portfolio link: (2)

Here is another effect from the game, uploading to Artstation really takes some time to get used to. (3)

Gif became quite choppy since the maximum file size is restricted to 4 mb…

As always, any feedback is welcomed.

Another day, another effect upploaded on Artstation:


Here is a waterfall that i created for the game, on my artstation page I’m showing the whole shader for the water.

Here is an update on what I’m working on right now , will keep posting as much as I can. :smiley: