M0okA - VFX Sketchbook

looks awesome! <3 such a fun technique to make flipbooks!

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And now in UE5 we have the Flipbook Baker to make all this even easier!

Yeah, saw it come out the same week I was finishing this aha! But still, for now, I donā€™t know how much controll the NiagaraBaker give to the user (I plan to dive into it a bit later), and if doing this kind of thing is now possible directly inside Niagara : adding a distortion layer to the capture before recording it in flipbook for example.


Hi everyone! :slight_smile:

This week-end, Iā€™ve been starting to work on some basic mesh dissolve shader over the night. The idea is to make the shader as flexible as possible to be able to use it in different cases later with some Niagara effect.

Itā€™s still very wip at the moment, but it already was a good way to get back to shader creation in Unreal! I have a lot of ideas to improve it from this point, but Iā€™m pretty happy with how it cames out for this first session. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m also really enjoying to use the new UE5 named reroute feature! It makes things so much flexier for later modifications, and so much easier to read from a global point of view.

I plan to make a full breakdown step by step later when Iā€™ll have more work done, just wanted to share the first night results! :wink:

Thanks for reading / watching, and see you soon for next steps! :sparkles:


Hello everyone! :slight_smile:

Itā€™s been a while since last time I found time to share some knowledge inhere. Iā€™ve been trying a lot of things out on Unreal lately, and I want to start sharing the knowledges Iā€™ve acquired during this time. Thatā€™s why I poster my very first Twitter VFX thread today, and plan to do more when Iā€™ll get time to do so!
Iā€™ll just drop a direct link to this thread, feel free to check it out and give your comments if you have some below the thread or directly here as you prefer.

Thanks for reading, and may the VFX be with you as always! :sparkles:

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Hi everyone, :slightly_smiling_face:

Today is the day, Iā€™ve made my first post on Artstation regarding a shipped game I worked on as professional VFX artist. This means the world to me, like a kidā€™s dream becoming true ! :sparkles:



I still have a lot to showcase regarding my work on The Outer Worlds: Spacerā€™s Choice Edition, and Iā€™ll try to make other posts for the other features Iā€™ve worked on soon.
In the meantime, feel free to look at this post about ranged weaponā€™s muzzleflash effects for this game. And feel free to comment, give your opinion, ask some questions, I would be very happy to share some knowledge if Iā€™m asked to ! :innocent:

Thanks for reading, and may the VFX be with you all! :fire:


Congratulations! Glad your hard work has paid off.

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Hi everyone, :slight_smile:

Finally found time and motivation to showcase more of my work on The Outer Worlds: Spacerā€™s Choice Edition ! This time, I chose to showcase explosive traps :firecracker:, melee weapon modifiers :crossed_swords:, and explosive distance weapons :gun: VFXs that I was tasked to rework.

https://www.artstation.com/artwork/zPO8DZ :firecracker:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ZaGNew :crossed_swords:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aok96J :gun:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/elaEJZ :gun:

Thanks for reading, and may the VFX be with you all! :fire: