Léo Magnez - VFX Sketchbook

Hi ! I’m a Game Design student from France and I started to dabble into VFX about a month ago !
I mostly followed tutorial & internet courses up until now but since the school year just started for me I decided to focus more on VFX for my graduation project.

Any feedback and critique is always welcome so I can improve :smile:

Here’s a slash effect I made in Unity with several color variations :


Hello again ! I’ve been working on a turret laserbeam inpired by Harry Alisavakis’ Kamehameha !

It’s been a challenge since his effect uses HLSL, a language I’m not familiar with, so I had to figure out everything in Shadergraph but it was worth it, I learned a lot ! :smile:
As always, feedback and critique is always welcome ! :smile:

Hi ! Lately I’ve been thinking about making some effects based around playing cards. Here’s the first one : The Heart ! :smile: :heart:

This effect was inspired by the charm mechanic from League of Legends and Jhin’s traps when they’re activated. Although I think a charm AOE would be a bit too strong in a game like League :sweat_smile:

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Hi again ! Continuing on the cards-based effect, here’s the second one : The Diamond :smile: :diamonds:

This effect was much more difficult to make than the previous one, especially because I had to play around with the timing of so many elements (and because I suck at 3D animation) :sweat_smile: I’m sure there are still many things to tweak but I’m pretty happy with the result I got ! :smile:

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Hi ! Wow it’s been a while :sweat_smile: I’ve been busy working on my graduation project for the past few months and made a whole lot of effects ! I’ve been especially experimenting with Mist, as the player will have an arsenal of mist-related attacks at their disposal. So here are a few ones : some mist-imbued slashes and a “fury mode” the player will be able to unleash to unlock said mist-related attacks ! :smile:

I’ve learned a lot about the power of masks to be able to fake the mist being dynamic ! I’ve also never played around with Unity’s volumetric fog volume before so there’s that :laughing: I’ve also had a ton of fun working with Vertex Offset and learning its limitations ! So I hope you enjoy this little collection of effects :smile: :heart:


Hi ! I haven’t posted on this thread for a WHILE now :sweat_smile: I finally graduated my Game Design school a few days ago so I’m going to start searching for a VFX job while continuing to work on my portfolio :sparkles:

Speaking of portfolio, here’s an effect I’ve been working on in Unreal Engine for the past few weeks !

My goal with this effect was to work on slashes & impact before closing it off with a final attack ! It’s the most complex effect I’ve worked on as of now so the timing of each individual element was a bit tricky to get :laughing: But I’m pretty satisfied with the result so I hope you enjoy it as well :heart: :sparkles:



The shapes looks kind great!!
I think the area where you could improve the most is the timing, I feel that the slashes/impact effects makes too much time to appear and fade away, which makes them less impactful than what they could be.

Don’t hesitate to try with really short life time at first, try to focus on what the effects makes you feel like rather than how it looks purely visually may help!

Good luck for your job hunting!!

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Salut !

Thanks a lot !!

Yeah, timing has always been the hardest part to nail for me :laughing: It’s just that I don’t really know how to gauge when I’m supposed to let elements fade in / fade away VS when it’s okay to let them pop in or out of existence abruptly :sweat_smile: I’m going to really focus more on that on my next one, I’m thinking about trying my hand at some effects we can see in classic fighting games like Street Fighter/Tekken :smile:

Thank you for the good luck ! Y’a plus qu’à comme on dit :laughing:

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You probably already saw this video but I think it might be worth it to take a look at it again, I think really think about intensity helps to nail down timing.

One thing I do when I make an effect is to try to imagine what kind of sound it would make which helps to now how fast it should fade in or fade out!

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I’ll make sure to look at it again ! :smile: Yes I kind of subconciously started to make some noise and gestures to better figure out the motion of things and how they should look but it never occured to me to use those as a focus for timing as well, I gotta try it out !

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For this past month, I’ve been working on a fan-made VFX for League of Legends and now it’s finally done ! I had so much much working on this and trying to understand and match Riot’s art style, I learned a ton of new stuff ! :sparkles: Thanks again to @Manus for their help with this one and their feedback on my other pieces :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: