How to make a multiple layers background

First of all, I would like to ask for your understanding that I am a beginner in effects. This effect was taken from a Chinese site, and I would like to ask the creator directly, but the site is only for Chinese people, so I will ask here. If you look at the image, you can see a texture made of several layers on the floor (which looks like tree branches). Assuming that it is each texture, the textures seem to appear at different times as the color fades toward the back, but does anyone know how to make it? I have no idea…

I will attach a link to the effect.


I’m a little confused, is it the depth effect or the colours you’re trying to achieve?

You can make it via shader with offset layers. But it will be depends on fixed layers amount.
Also you can use mask, sprites with offset and “visible inside mask”. (But i is usefull only for UI elements I think)
Or you can use fair 3D (here you can use simple quads with Y offset) and stencil buffer.

I think I would use the last one.
Good tutorial
(you just need make elipsoid geom for mask and planes for internal stuff)

probably this is what you are looking for


I’d like to try depth effect!

oh, Thank you for answering!

Yes, It is. I’ll take your suggestions

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