How to create a gradient animation with Shader Graphs

Hey guys.
I want some tips on how to create a gradient animation like the image below without using a 2d texture but only using nodes this way I can change the color.


wow, Sorry, that’s a MUCH bigger problem then I initially recognized! I am stumped

there is a gradient node that lets you build colors like that (limited to 8 colors, you’d have to combine multiple for more)
then sample gradient to accept it as color output

if you need a strob, take fraction of time to loop it

as for a gradient scrolling that is a much bigger challenge trying to account for a range
Unfortunately Gradient is not exposed on my URP material so there is no way to set it on material :frowning:

it looks like you make multiple color node properties but you’d be limited to a static number of colors
how to expose an input to construct the number of colors to make it dynamic? that’s way over my head

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thanks for the help.
I was really looking for the scrolling effects . I think will stay with the 2d texture method

If I not misunderstand the scrolling effect is not that hard when you have your gradient.
You just need to had an Tilling node and use the R or G factor as your Time property. Fraction it before to make it loop between 0 and 1 .
Next you can apply the scroll at your UV exactly like with your sample texture.

PS: Switch gradient from Blend to Fixed to obtain fixed color instead of gradient between color.


OH brilliant! you can supply a range from 0-1 just like a LUT

this could be any gradient but a UV node (tiling) already has a vector2 of that!

PS: Switch gradient from Blend to Fixed to obtain fixed color instead of gradient between color.

you could Posterize the tile/UV node (supply vector so material = # of steps) or even the gradient to continue to have blended colors and get material defined steps

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Thanks for the help.