How this liquid is made?

Just noticed a pretty cool stylized liquid animation in a mobile game, which is fully dynamic and interactive. I’m interested, what engine is it? What technique is used to achieve this cool effect?


My guess is that’s probably not a real game at all and that’s just a video of some baked fluid simulation… That’s a common practice for that kind of mobile game ads.


Hey Filo, thanks for your reply! Okay, it’s also quite possible, that’s why I shared with the sponsored mark :slight_smile:
But do you have any ideas, if you got such a task from your client? He wants this effect in his mobile game. How would you implement it?

You could use any method for fluid simulations depending on the engine you’re using. Niagara fluids would probably be way too expensive, some rendertexture simulation (like those commonly used for water ripples in ponds or stuff like that) could be a little more manageable, or any other ad-hoc tech. But in any case I don’t think any of them would look even close to the reference.


This is just an ad for this game, not the real graphic, I used to work for a team that does this kind of fake gameplay video for advertising. The liquid is simulated and rendered offline and composited with other elements. If you want to do the kind of liquid effect in real time, you can use Niagara to simulate liquid or vertex animation texture (no interaction with other objects). But tbh they are really expensive I don’t think could be done on mobile devices especially with that much detail.


You’re right. I played this game and there’s nothing except ‘3 in a row’ game. I wish one day we could be able to have such effects in real time :slight_smile:

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Marketing bull*it as it is :slightly_smiling_face: But actually , i’ve seen some realy cool solver-like shaders on the shadertoy ( not that detailed though ) . Not sure if sdf sampling will do ok on mobiles though…

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