Grid Plexus in Niagara


Hey again,

Another Instagram inspiration video came to me from Koma.Tebe with their creative pixel and generative design, so I thought I would take a go at it.

Heres is the example of the work from Koma.Tebe:

The idea is pretty simple. Generate a grid of particles and have a parent particle moving around in space. Then using the parent particles position, use the “is inside sphere” module inside of a scratch pad. From their you do valid checks and then draw lines from the slected positions inside of the spehere radius and the center of the parents position.

Here are the setup for the Modules I highlighted:

This one is called “PAR Color” in the “Grid - PointVis” emitter.

This goes into the second emitter:

This is a module that I took from another system I had made, going off a tutorial from Tharles VFX, I beleive, to keep the partent particle in a selected space.

Anyways, I had fun making this and maybe this will help or inspire someones work.

As always, thanks for looking and please write if you have any questions.


Thanks for the good inspiration. Very good .

Oh wow, that’s so cool! Thanks for sharing this :slight_smile:

What node is the Draw BOX of this module that I can’t find,Is there a video tutorial,Thanks

i think you’re looking for the “Spawn in Grid” and “grid location” module.

Sorry, I just learned niagara, I don’t know how to search for this Draw Box node

oh, I see, well thats inside of the ScratchPad I made. Have you learned much about creating your own Scratch Pads or Niagara Modules?

Debug visuals are kind of strange in that you first need to add a “DebugDraw” parameter in your GetMap. After that you should then be able to see the “Draw Bow”, as well as some other debugging visualizers.

Hope this helps.

Thank you very much for your help.
I just started to learn the niagara system, and I am not very familiar with the knowledge of Scratch Pads or Niagara Modules.
I want to learn about your great effect, but it is not easy for me to just start learning. There are still a lot of things to learn, including Scratch Pads or Niagara Modules you said,
do you have any good recommendations for learning this,
thank you again, have a nice day!