Another Instagram inspiration video came to me from Koma.Tebe with their creative pixel and generative design, so I thought I would take a go at it.
Heres is the example of the work from Koma.Tebe:
The idea is pretty simple. Generate a grid of particles and have a parent particle moving around in space. Then using the parent particles position, use the “is inside sphere” module inside of a scratch pad. From their you do valid checks and then draw lines from the slected positions inside of the spehere radius and the center of the parents position.
This is a module that I took from another system I had made, going off a tutorial from Tharles VFX, I beleive, to keep the partent particle in a selected space.
Debug visuals are kind of strange in that you first need to add a “DebugDraw” parameter in your GetMap. After that you should then be able to see the “Draw Bow”, as well as some other debugging visualizers.
Thank you very much for your help.
I just started to learn the niagara system, and I am not very familiar with the knowledge of Scratch Pads or Niagara Modules.
I want to learn about your great effect, but it is not easy for me to just start learning. There are still a lot of things to learn, including Scratch Pads or Niagara Modules you said,
do you have any good recommendations for learning this,
thank you again, have a nice day!