Built-in Render Pipeline or URP for mobile devices?

Hello everyone!

I have a project which has been developed using the Built-in RP and I was wondering if it would cause any issues to the materials I already have if I decide to change to URP. I find it way easier to create Shaders using Shader Graph and if I am not wrong, Built-in RP doesn’t support Shader Graph, right?

Also, do you think one is better than the other for mobile devices? I have heard the URP is optimized for those specifically but I am not sure

Thank you :slight_smile:

  • conversion URP will require cleanup; some shaders could require re-work, depends on their complexities
  • BIRP does support shadergraph (depends what ver. I think as of > 2022 it works)

even if you remake birp setups to use ShaderGraph nothing is going to be 1:1 all times.

no single button solutions; always cut a clone of the project, convert → test your scope of re-work.


I see… Thank you so much for the info and the advice. I will make sure to make a clone of the project before any changes! :raised_hands: