First, let me say I’m a total scumbag for not getting back to you for such a long time. [insert a variety of excuses here as to why I didn’t prioritize giving you feedback earlier]
Okay, with that out of the way, I’ve got a few thoughts on these I wanted to float your way. I’ll base all of these notes off of your April 6 iteration. Let me know if any of these points need more clarification.
First, let me say I really enjoy a few aspects of these abilities: thematic cohesion, punchy timing, nicely crafted textures, and a good sense of color combos.
Second, the largest area for improvement across all these abilities is twofold: 1: clarity of gameplay with a well established hierarchy of focal point, and 2: dominating colors all competing against each other. So let’s get down to details on where I see room for improvement:
The auto attack hit impact feels pretty nice, but I think you could get it out of the gameplay space much more quickly. It currently obscures everything that happens beneath it and calls attention to itself for longer than is necessary. Once the indication of damage dealt is complete, the effect should also be complete, perhaps with the exception of small secondary elements lingering around for a bit (which you do nicely in a variety of your effects).
The cage is super opaque, and obscures the “character” beneath it completely, for most of its life. There’s a few levers you can pull to solve this, namely opacity and gaps in the shapes.
The shield is my favorite effect. It has a nice array of color depth, and clear priority to the outer rim element, with some nice subtle flavor in the middle.
The elements in this AOE feels generally muddy. If you squint your eyes, the values and hues all start blending together. This can be solved by pushing the emphasis to the outer edge. Either more saturation, more value contrast, or some combination of the two. Similarly, you don’t need much in the center of the area. The elements you have are a bit too noisy, with lots of detail. A secondary element like that shouldn’t call too much attention to itself. Think “light wisps,” instead of “coursing energy.”
The explosion feels pretty satisfying. I like the massive dominant shape right before it explodes. Great contrast. That being said, the whole thing takes too long to resolve. You could get it out of the gameplay space much quicker so the action can continue along its merry way.
It’s nice to have contrast in the laser before it fires, but having the indicator disappear completely is harming the clarity of telegraphing what’s about to happen. You could have the motion accellerate toward the end of its life, or sharply change its color/value. But turning it off, even momentarily, hurts the clarity.
The punch is great during the effect, but the charred bits take too long to resolve. Also, you could paint in some crisp edges to go with the sutty smudges in that burnt ground texture. Some subtle variance in the opacity would help too.
Hope all that helps!