Attach Slash VFX to a preset character animation

I would like to know how to attach VFX to a character animation;

In fact, I have done something now but the output is not so good, the Slash VFX and the animation not in-sync;

I have setup the character with this hierarchy:

  • VFX / Slash VFX
  • Model with Humanoid Studio

And this is my workflow:

  • Setup the Character model with the above hierarchy and VFX

  • Duplicate the Humanoid Animation so that the animation can be modified

  • Add a event to activate the Slash particle

  • Tune the VFX position and rotation

  • Testing the Play Mode

Attached the video of my work
My Testing Effect


Did you try put this effect in sword rig object and setup pivot?

Both Slash VFX (Particle System) and Model are developed by others;

So is it better to find the Sword Rig and create the Particle at some moment at the sword rig?