Arcane show 2D VFX References

Hey all, I have been lurking around these forums for ages, and thought it was about time to contribute.



So here is a whole lot of 2D VFX ref that I put together from the Arcane series. The show was just sooo good, I couldnt help but watch it again and clip bits along the way.

There are 3 videos for each season and then the individual frames for all the clips with some descriptive naming. (season 1 episode 5 is 1-5-“clip number”-“descriptive bits”)

Oh and some of the FX seemed to be drawn at 12 fps, and others at 24 fps, but i recorded them all at 24.

I dont know how much bandwidth these mega accounts have though, so be gentle :smiley:


Thank you, Hokuten! Very useful!