Any help with a portal VFX?

Hello, I have a problem with an effect that I’m doing, I need that the godrays that are inside are only seen from the part of the portal, and doing tests I’ve got it to look like this, but it removes all the effect around, i bring screenshots of the material as well as the problem itself, i have deactivated the depth test in that material and everything is in the same niagara system. any help is welcome so as project feedback, thank you very much!!

Here is the problem

The material emissive end is a lerp between the Scene color node and the textures where the alpha is clamped between 0 and 1 being the TwoSidedSign the first entry, then I’ve lerped between 1 and the opacity of the textures with the alpha clamped the same way as the lerp in the emissive. (I cant post more than two pictures so if you dont undertstand i can show you how its done)

This is done so I can only render the interior face of the cilinder, also the material has the blend mode in translucent. Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Here it is the end of the material.

And here is a try merging all the meshes in one with the same issue

(I’ve make the cylinder shorter trying to camouflage it)