I’m still a beginner in this whole vfx business and was wondering if you guys could help me with a problem.
I’m trying to pull an Alpha Blend + Additive shader in Unity (using Amplify, I have no knowledge of shader coding as of now). Jean Moreno’s shader does what I’m looking for:
I don’t want to change the texture settings to have an alpha channel, and I was wondering if there was a way to make a shader that takes the black and white from the image and automatically transform it into the alpha channel.
I attempted to do this in Amplify to no avail, it successfully makes the alpha blend, but never makes the additve pass, what am I missing?:
Setting Blend OP RGB to either Add or Off produces the same result, while Blend OP Alpha isn’t changing anything. I tried messing with the Blend Alpha that is right below the Blend RGB, but it’s not changing anything either. I wonder if I’m supposed to be using that to fix the alpha, but I’m just grasping at straws by this point haha.
But I would still like to know if there’s any way to do this in Amplify. I’m thinking maybe it has something to do with this shader not being multi-pass?