Personal Progress VFX - PM

Your work is absolutely fabulous!

Everything is so flowy, smooth, and sharp!


Those are coming along nicely, very readable and direct!

I’m looking forward to digging into Niagara eventually, once it’s more production-ready and in particular once I’m more comfortable with Cascade :slight_smile:

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hehe fair enough :slight_smile: you could start now tho, I dont think much will change.

thanks @Broot, getting there slowly. Baby steps :slight_smile:

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I made another summoning effect. Really enjoyed making the first one so I’ve challenged myself a bit and tried to do different variation. Here it is :slight_smile:


I’ve used charged animation and wanted to create an effect that seems a bit more charged then normal attack.


I made a video tutorial on how to make some very basic textures in Substance Designer. In the next video, I will explain my process in photoshop how I do some concept work and adding more stuff to those basic projectiles. Hopefully, you will find it useful.


Thanks for sharing this…

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How can you make projectile burst at random location and move to the target lile that?

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I think you could try spawning at a random location by using the sphere spawn location module. And point attractor to direct particles and move to the desired location. Also, I think you could expose point attractor vector3 location and use it in BP if I’m not mistaken. Let me know if that makes sense for you or if you need more help.

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I did a quick U4 test before part 2 video to see how the texture might look with some material adjustments and some sparks as well, so here is a basic setup.


Thank you I kinda understand what you mean. I will try it out. Thank for your help :smile:

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Another part is up, in which I go through texture creation using PS tool.

This time we will look into making trails using substance designer…


How to create a bit more stylized trails in part 2


Lightning textures tutorial using substance designer


Youtube tutorial link →

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This week I decided to do a tutorial on impact textures using substance designer, vid link below, hopefully, it something you will find it useful…

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Part 2 of impacts in substance designer,

Here is a vid I’ve finished working on about Lens textures and how to create a simple setup in Substance designer.

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