My HotS skin with VFX concept

I’m first time on this forum so I am new to its unwritten(and some written) rules. Forgive me any faux pas. I don’t know anything about Real-Time VFX but my friend said that you appreciate VFX concepts too.

I came here with Anduin skin concept with themed ability effects and I am interested to hear your feedback. Here is the link:

I tried to focus on value contrasts and shapes so it is clearly visible which one is healing, damage and so on. I don’t know whether it is consistent to the theme enough, though. Also, I am not satisfied with R2.


These are so cool!

If you want to learn RTVFX, you could always download Unreal Engine. It’s free and comes with loads of “Content Examples” and tutorials.

And of course, if you need help with anything, we’ll be glad to help! :sparkles:


Yes, when I will need help in VFX I will come here.