Death Event 'Random Normalized Float' Usage Help

In Niagara (Unreal 5)

Using the “Generate Death Event” module on an emitter (A) to generate particles from a second emitter (B) on death, running into a problem:

I’m trying to use the “Random Normalized Float” from the death event or emitter A to set the size of the newly generated particles from emitter B to match the size of the dying particle, but getting an error when setting size from the “Receive Death Event” Output: Random Normalized Float.

Error message:
Variable Output.ReceiveDeathEvent.RandomNormalizedFloat was read before being set. It’s default mode is “Fail If Previously Not Set”, so this isn’t allowed. - Node: Map Get - NE_Pickup_Health_Crosses001, Particle Spawn Script Interpolated,

Clearly the data from the death event is arriving too late to be used by the Initialize Particle module of emitter B, but is it possible to use these event handler parameters to set values on emitter B in another way?

Thank you!

Solved the issue (mostly) by setting to PARTICLES INITIAL Sprite Size in the event handler. I get a little blink when each particle is born, will have to figure that out. One frame between death and birth? Probably.